My Life Lists
Latest updates
Northern CA, US
Northern CA-2, US
Northern CA-3, US
Northern CA-4, US
Central California, US
Southern CA, US
Nashvillle, TN, US
Knoxville, TN
Seattle, WA, US
Nevada, US
Pittsburgh, PA, US
New York, NY, US
Houston, TX, US
Denver, CO, US
Phoenix, AZ, US
Arizona Sky Islands
Big Island, Hawaii
Maui, Hawaii
Magee Marsh, OH
Lower Rio Grand Valley, TX
Eastern Canada
Indore, India
Bharatpur, India
Ranthambore, India
Surat, India
Nal Sarovar and LRK, Gujarat
GRK, Gujarat
Kerala, India
Goa, India
Mexico (Quintana Roo)
Inca Trail, Peru
Seoul, South Korea
Lisbon, Portugal
Barcelona, Spain
Paris, France
Nakuru NP, Kenya
Masai Mara, Kenya
Nairobi National Park, Kenya
Lake Naivasha/Hell's Gate NP, Kenya
Turin, Italy
Panama 1 (Panama City and Valle de Anton)
Panama 2 (Valle de Anton)
Panama (Pipeline Rd, Gamboa)
Panama (Boquete)
Panama (Bocas del Toro)
Birds in flight
Birds in Flight-2
Marine mammals
Kenya Mammals
Other Animals
Interesting Pics
Some of the most fun, satisfying and difficult images to capture.
Here are some of my favorite BIFs.
Willet, Heron's Head Park, SF
Blue-faced Honeyeater, Port Douglas, Australia
Tree Swallow, Bay of Fundy, NS
Grey Heron, Bharatpur, India
Grey Heron, Bharatpur, India
Painted Stork, Bharatpur, India
Western Reef Egret, Surat, India
Tufted Puffin, Farallones
Atlantic Puffin, Reykjavik, Iceland
Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Murfreesboro, TN
Magnificent Frigatebird, Akumal, Mexico
Indian Roller, Surat, India
Rufous Treepie, Ranthambore, India
Great Kiskadee, Akumal, Mexico
Black Kite, Delhi, India
Turkey Vulture, Del Valle, CA
Osprey, Halifax, NS
Black-naped Tern, Australia
Least Tern, Akumal, Mexico
Forster's Tern, San Jose, CA
Elegant Tern, Half Moon Bay
Great Egret, Indore, India
White Ibis, Akumal, Mexico
Double-crested Cormorant, SF Bay
Yellow-billed Magpie, Del Valle, CA
Yellow-billed Magpie, Del Valle, CA
Red-shouldered Hawk, Del Valle, CA
Red-tailed Hawk, GG Park, SF
Band-tailed Pigeon Huddart Park, CA
Whimbrel, Heron's Head Park, SF
Great Shearwater, Bay of Fundy, NS
Common Eider, Bay of Fundy, NS
Brown Pelican, Half Moon Bay
Brown Pelican, Half Moon Bay
Brown Pelican, Half Moon Bay
White Pelican, Las Galinas, Marin
Northern Gannet, Bay of Fundy, NS
White-tailed Kite, Las Galinas, Marin
Black-footed Albatross, Farallones
Mute Swan, Marin
Northern Harrier, Marin
American Avocets, Houston
Royal Tern, Houston
Whiskered Tern, Alleppey
Sandhill Crane, Houston
Roseate Spoonbill, Houston
Sanderling, Houston
Snowy Egret, Las Gallinas
GBH, Las Gallinas
Mallard (female), Las Gallinas
Mallard (female), Las Gallinas
Mallard, Las Gallinas
Great-tailed Grackle, Las Gallinas
Northern Mockingbird, Las Gallinas
Brewer's Blackbird, Las Gallinas
Great Egret, Las Gallinas
Short-eared Owl, LRK
Brahminy Kite, Alleppey
Brahminy Kite, Alleppey
Brahminy Kite with catch, Alleppey
Brahminy Kite (juvenile), Alleppey
Crested Goshawk, Thattekad
Indian Pond Heron, Alleppey
Brandt's Cormorant, SF
Red-masked Parakeet, SF
Black Oystercatcher, SF
Pigeon Guillemot, SF
American Robin, SF
Eurasian Collared-Dove, SF
Scrub Jay, SF
Scrub Jay, SF
Belted Kingfisher, Crissy Field
Belted Kingfisher, Crissy Field
Belted Kingfisher, Crissy Field
European Starling, Crissy Field
Killdeer, Crissy Field
Western Meadowlark, Crissy Field
American Kestrel, Denver
American Kestrel, Denver
Bald Eagle, Denver
Blue Jay, Denver
Eurasian Collared Dove, Denver
Gadwall, Denver
Green-winged Teal, Denver
Northern Flicker, Denver
Northern Flicker, Denver
Northern Flicker, Denver
Mallard, Denver
Red-tailed Hawk, Denver
Ring-billed Gull, Denver
Ring-necked Duck, Denver
Ring-necked Pheasant, Denver
Rough-legged Hawk, Denver
American Kestrel, Denver
American White Pelican, Denver
Black-billed Magpie, Denver
Black-bellied Plover, Arrowhead Marsh
Marbled Godwit, Arrowhead Marsh
Willet, Arrowhead Marsh
Cedar Waxwing, Valencia
Phainopepla, Valencia
Phainopepla, Valencia
Phainopepla, Valencia
Black-shouldered Kite, Surat
Rose-ringed Parakeet, Surat
Allen's Hummingbird, GGP
Allen's Hummingbird, GGP
Bald Eagle, Napa River
Cliff Swallow, Napa River
GBH, Napa River
Mallard female, Napa River
Osprey with catch, Napa River
Osprey, Napa River
Peregrine Falcon, Napa River
RTH, Napa River
Ring-billed Gull, Napa River
Tree Swallow, Napa River
Clark's Nutcracker, Carson's Pass
Clark's Nutcracker, Carson's Pass
Osprey, Lake Tahoe
Osprey, Lake Tahoe
Peregrine Falcon, HHP
Belted Kingfisher, HHP
Anna's Hummingbird, Fort Mason
Anna's Hummingbird, Fort Mason
Red-masked Parakeet, Fort Mason
Anna's Hummingbird, Fort Mason
Anna's Hummingbird, Fort Mason
Brown Pelican
Elegant Tern
Northern Fulmar
Pink-footed Shearwater
Short-tailed Shearwater
Sooty Shearwater
South Polar Skua
Common Shelduck, GRK
Desert Wheatear (female), GRK
Desert Wheatear (female), GRK
Eastern Imperial Eagle, GRK
Greater Spotted Eagle, GRK
Greater Spotted Eagle, GRK
House Crow, GRK
Intermediate Egret, GRK
Long-legged Buzzard and Steppe Eagle, GRK
Pallas's Gull, GRK
Pallid Harrier (female), GRK
White-bellied Minivet (male), GRK
Oriental Honey-buzzard (male), GRK
Black-headed Gull, GRK
Black-headed Gull, GRK
Black-winged Stilt, GRK
Black-winged Stilt, GRK
Brown-headed Gull, GRK
Common Crane, GRK
Crab Plover, GRK
Crab Plover, GRK
Curlew Sandpiper, GRK
Eurasian Curlew, GRK
Eurasian Marsh Harrier, GRK
Grey Heron, GRK
Gull-billed Tern, GRK
Gull-billed Tern, GRK
House Crow, GRK
House Crow, GRK
Indian Cormorant, GRK
Lesser Sand Plover, GRK
Pallas's Gull, GRK
Pied Avocet, GRK
Red-wattled Lapwing, GRK
Red-wattled Lapwing, GRK
Sanderling, GRK
Steppe Eagle, GRK
Western Reef Egret, GRK
American Crow, Las Gallinas
Anna's HB, Las Gallinas
Anna's HB, Las Gallinas
Belted Kingfisher, Las Gallinas
Caspian Tern
Cliff Swallow, Las Gallinas
Green Heron, Las Gallinas
Mute Swan, Las Gallinas
Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Las Gallinas
Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Las Gallinas
Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Las Gallinas
Snowy Egret, Novato
Snowy Egret, Las Gallinas
Tree Swallow (juvenile), Las Gallinas
Tree Swallow (juvenile), Las Gallinas
Vaux's Swift
White-tailed Kite, Las Gallinas
Ring-billed Gull pirating Forster's Tern, Shoreline
Sandpiper sp., Shoreline
Snowy Egret, Shoreline
BAEA (Immature), Hawk Hill
Black Oystercatcher, HHP
Black Oystercatcher, HHP
Elegant Tern, Shoreline
Northern Flicker, Presidio
Scrub Jay, Lake Merced
Whimbrel, HHP
Whimbrel, HHP
Whimbrel, HHP
American Avocet, Redwood Shores
American Wigeon (female) poop shot, Redwood Shores
American Wigeon (female) poop shot, Redwood Shores
American Wigeon, Redwood Shores
American Wigeon, Redwood Shores
American Wigeon, Redwood Shores
American Wigeon, Redwood Shores
American Wigeon, Redwood Shores
Canvasback (female), Redwood Shores
Canvasback, Redwood Shores
Canvasback, Redwood Shores
Canvasback, Redwood Shores
Common Goldeneye (immature), Redwood Shores
Green-winged Teal, Redwood Shores
Green-winged Teal, Redwood Shores
Black-crowned Night-Heron (juvenile), Coyote Hills
Northern Harrier, Coyote Hills
Northern Harrier, Coyote Hills
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Coyote Hills
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Coyote Hills
Tree Swallow, Coyote Hills
Tree Swallow, Coyote Hills
Tree Swallow, Coyote Hills
American Avocet, Redwood Shores
Black-crowned Night Heron, Coyote Point